Thursday, January 13, 2011

The results are in....

So, to make a long story very seems we are back at square one.
The good news is that the quad screening looked good and that there was a very tiny chance the baby could have downs syndrome (so, there is no reason to continue testing with an amniocentesis since the chances are very low).....the results for any type of virus, came back well as the results for anemia.
I asked the doctor what his experience was with this type of case, and basically, his exact words were....I have been teaching at the medical school for many years, I have spoke to many of my colleagues, and no one has seen a case like this.
Well, that's reassuring. Our baby is a medical mystery....we have no idea what to expect. So, I don't know anything....which is frustrating. I have done research on the Internet on this type of case, mostly there are a few medical journal articles that have been published and that's about it.
As of now, I will be following up with the specialist on a weekly basis. He will be keeping an eye on the fluid. As of now, there is not enough fluid we don't have to think about the process of draining it. Which is good, because apparently the lungs have to be moved out of the way to insert a shunt...which could slow the progression of the lung formation.
We continue to hold on to the hope that this will all clear up on it's....Please continue to pray for our family and most of all for our sweet baby boy.

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